The Award-Winning 'Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite' film, by Lillee Jean Trueman, has been nominated as a finalist for the FilmNest International Film Festival! In a passionate statement to fans, Lillee Jean said,
"There's no words to describe how thrilled the cast and I are of 'The Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite' to have been awarded and included in the Official Selection of FilmNest International ! Thank you. Thank you so so much!" - Lillee Jean
The film most recently won an Official Selection award at the Stingray International Film Festival for Best Trailer, and screened in Paris, France!
The Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite (Part 1)
*AWARD: Official Selection: Stingray International Film Festival 2024 (BEST TRAILER)
**AWARD: Official Selection - Finalist: FilmFest International Film Festival 2024 (BEST TRAILER)
Synopsis: A comedic sci-fi thriller and drama wrapped into a love story, about a space alien from Planet Glamour dreaming of a date with Sad Ponniee, the king of romantic Reguetón. She changes her identity to Sabrina Apple Bottomost, and heads to Miami to fool executive Mr. Edgardo Benito Ferrari Boom, S. Ponniee's music manager.
Director: Lillee Jean Trueman
Lillee Jean Trueman
Producer: Lillee Jean Trueman (Lillee Jean);
Executive Producer: Laura Rene Marks-Trueman
Associate Producer: Edgardo Rubio
Lead Editor: Lillee Jean Trueman
Edgardo Rubio (Mr. Edgardo Benito Ferrari Boom/Glamoue)
Lillee Jean (Sabrina Apple Bottomost/Princess Glamourite)